Saturday, December 24, 2011

Diabetes: What to Do Now

India is the diabetes capital of the world--so take a look at ways to reduce the toll of this disease, which can shorten hour life by as many as 15 years.


1.You should take it personally.
“About 35% of all adults have diabetes or pre-diabetes don’t know it. If you’re over 45, have parents or siblings with the disease, and can grab a handful of fat on your belly, ask your doctor about getting a blood-sugar test.”

2.Surgery can help.
“If you have type 2 diabetes and can’t get your blood-sugar numbers down, the most reliable treatment is bariatric surgery, such as gastric bypass. And I say that even though I usually recommend lifestyle changes first! 
Studies this year have shown that 80% of people with diabetes who have this surgery end up with normal blood-sugar levels and can stop taking medication. You don’t have to be severely obese to benefit. If you are five foot three and 90 kilos-or five foot ten and 110 kilos--you qualify.”

3.We know the worst diet.
“it turns out that blood-sugar levels stay high longer after starchy or sugary meals that are also high in fat. The Ornish diet says don’t eat fat with your carbs.
The Atkins diet says don’t eat carbs with your fat. They may both be right. It’s like guns with bullets: Neither one alone is lethal, but together, they can wreak havoc. This explains why so many different kinds of diets can help with diabetes: You benefit if they restric fat or carbs or both.”

Numbers That Count : 2x Increase in the risk of death for  someone with diabetes compared to a person the same age without the disease.

source: Reader'sDigest(nov,2011)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Better Vision

Here’s what you need to know:

Regular fish consumption reduces the risk of macular degeneration, according to a study of adults aged over 49. The researchers said the protective effect was due to high omega-3 fatty acid levels in fish, which may help maintain cell membranes in the retina.

The retina contains particularly high amounts of zinc.Pumpkin and sunflower seeds, barley, chicken, crabs and oysters are sources of this essential mineral.

Don’t forget to wear your sunglasses. too much exposure to ultraviolet light while we’re young can increase the risk of developing cataract and macular degeneration later in life. Make sure your sunglasses are UV-protected.

These foods contain high amount of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants concentrated in the macula, the portion of the retina responsible for clear vision.

Smokers had a 63% increased risk of cataracts, compared with non-smokers.
Cigarette smokers are more than twice as likely as non- smokers to develop age-related macular degeneration(ARMD).

See your optometrist at least once every two years.

Can eye exercises reduce your need for glasses or contact lenses? In the vast majority of cases, no. It’s better to wear glasses or contacts if they help you to achieve your optimum vision.

Ask family members if they know of any relatives who had or have macular degeneration-- and especially the inherited form, macular dystrophy. If there is a family history, regular eye tests are especially important to spot the condition before permanent damage is done.

Many of us can feel eye strain after reading , watching TV or using the computer. While it can be bothersome, it’s generally not dangerous for your eyes. Try these tips:
1.Close your eyes to let your own tears moisten the surface of your eyes.
2.Look at a distant scene for a couple of minutes to relax the muscle inside your eye that helps you focus up close.
3.Get up, stretch, and do something else for a little while.

Q: True or false: 
Each of us has a dominant eye and a non-dominant eye, similar to being right- or left- handed.
A: True. Roughly two-thirds of the population is right-eye dominant.To find your eyedness, extend both arms, then bring both hands together to create a small opening. With both eyes open, view a distant object through the opening.Then alternate closing the eyes to determine which eye is viewing the object(i.e., the dominant eye).

source: Reader'sDigest(dec,2011)